Wednesday, 21 January 2015

THE LAW (Part 1)

Some people get it wrong when we speak about the Law. Some spiritual folks have concluded under Antinomianism anyone who exalts the place of Grace as God's new way of dealing with man, on the basis of the Finished work of Christ and the complete satisfaction of God's righteous judgement on Christ as our Substitute.

The Law is good but every one who lives under it is Bad. 1tim 1:8,
The Law is spiritual, but to live under it, is carnality. Rm 7:14
The Law is holy, But those who live under it, are deemed unrighteous. Rom 7:12, Phil 3:9; isa 64:6, Rom 3:10.
The Law demands perfection but it can make nothing perfect. Lev 11:44; Heb 7:19.

You may ask, why this sharp contrast??

The biblical answer is, that was not the purpose of the Law. The law was not designed or given by God to give any man a right standing before God. Rm 3:20. The gospel has been about-faced over the centuries, and an innocent attempt to balance Law and Grace, has made a total mess of the gospel of grace. Matthew 9:17. The Law was not given to place man in a justified state by reason of his own merit. In fact, the opposite will be accurately true. The Law in itself is good, holy, perfect. It was given by God, delivered by Moses. The commandment is a perfect reflection of God's Love and Righteousness- His two predominant attribute as seen from man's point of view. But its place in our present dispensation is the bone of contention among bible students. By the help of the HolySpirit, I hope to throw more light on this subject.

For better apprehension of this wide subject., I will like to touch the following points:
1. What is the Law
2. The Law and its Purpose
3. The Law and its Limitations
4. The Law and the Believer
5. What was abrogated- Its commanding power OR condemning power.
6. The New Law.

Remain blessed. 

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