Thursday, 29 January 2015

5 Brutal Truths About Loving A Taurus (As Written By A Taurus)

The good, the bad, and the Taurus-ey.

Those born under the sign of the bull are described as patient and hardworking yet stubborn and possessive. Being in a relationship with a Taurus means not only finding out what makes the Taurus swoon, but also what makes them tick. Here are 5 brutal truths you should know before hitching yourself to a Taurus. (And if you're already in a relationship with one or ARE one yourself, maybe these sound eerily familiar.)

1. We won't stop arguing until we get our point across. 

My boyfriend and I argue about everything and nothing. Our tiffs are as silly as what flavor ice cream to buy for movie nights (I opt for bubblegum sherbet; he prefers vanilla) and whether we think the YouTube video we're watching is sexist. But no matter the fight, a Taurus always wants to get his or her point across and we're really not concerned whether we're right or wrong. (Pssst: We're not particularly proud of this trait because it makes us feel guilty for being so stubborn, but to be fair, we're usually not the ones to start the argument!)

2. We're easily jealous.

 A Taurus often finds herself thinking: "What if my boyfriend finds someone better?" (I'm also a professional at getting jealous of random girls I've never met!) Meeting our guy's female friends and getting to know them helps a Taurus get rid of those feelings of possessiveness and jealousy.

3. We don't often lose our tempers but when we do, it's BAD. 

Yes, Tauruses (Tauri?) are patient, but on those rare occasions when we actually lose our sh*t, we resemble a hurricane that won't quit hurrican-ing until you see our point. (See #1). (And we'll be sure to bring it up in later arguments because we're nice like that.) 

4. We're fiercely independent. 

As a Taurus, we prefer to do things by ourselves and by our own rules and schedules. My boyfriend, on the other hand, is as spontaneous as they come. Although there are moments when I find his gestures sweet and romantic, part of me is annoyed by the disruption in my color-coded and perfectly-labeled calendar. (Where do I insert "Spontaneous Date" between "Finish 1500-word article" and "Doctor Who Marathon"?) This trait also means that if a Taurus has a problem, we prefer to solve it on our own without your help.

5. But despite all of the above, we're loyal as hell. 

An important aspect in every relationship is faith and trust and if a Taurus decides to trust you that means you've most definitely earned it and we'll stay loyal to you for the long-haul. But betray our trust? You'll be lucky if we ever speak to you again. After all, we forgive, but we never forget.

Curvy Women Make Baby Geniuses (Says Science

In news that is going to make North West very happy someday, a study has found that curvy women actually make smarter babies, thanks to all that extra fluff

The study by Pittsburgh University and lead researcher, Professor Will Lassek, found that "fat banks" in the area of a woman’s hips, thighs, and butt are pretty much the golden ticket when it comes to passing on smarts to babies during breast-feeding. As Lassek explained, “The fat in these areas is a depot for building a baby's brain. You need lots of fat to make a nervous system, and the fats in these areas are also enriched in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which is a particularly important component in the human brain."

Lassek went on to explain that women have evolved in such a way so as to "accumulate these fats and hold on to them," until they give birth. It is then that these "brain-building, breast-milk lipids," leave the body via nursing and why women lose weight they do nurse on a regular basis. See? It's all making sense now, isn't it?

Women's bodies, on average are made up of 30 percent fat, whereas men’s bodies are made up of only 10 percent. It is speculated that due to the fact that the human brain has increased in volume from 400ml to 1200ml over the past five million years, it would only make sense that women are fatter now than they were then. The weight gain is based on the evolutionary fact that it’s necessary to provide adequate brain capabilities to their offspring.

It is also suggested that the reason many men prefer a woman with curves is because they inherently know those women will reproduce babies that are "likely to be cleverer," according to Cambridge University’s reproductive biologist, David Bainbridge.

Far too often women criticize themselves for their "imperfect" bodies, when in actuality, their bodies are just the shape they were meant to be. Women are supposed to be heavier around the hip area for certain evolutionary and biological reasons. 

Even if you're not planning on having kids, you're just sort of stuck with what Mother Nature gave you. 

5 Reasons Your Best Friend Would Make A PERFECT Boyfriend

Why dating your best friend may be your best bet to finding true love.

There's nothing quite like feeling a spark of attraction between you and someone you just met, but lately, we've been wondering whether it's better to date a friend, or at least somebody we've known longer than just a couple of weeks, and who knows more about us than just our name and phone number. Sure, the transition from friend-to-boyfriend might feel a little weird at first, but we think that the benefits of dating one might just overrule the awkwardness.

1. He's familiar with your bad side.

Let's face it, during the first few months of dating someone new, it's easy to hold yourself together and pretend like you don't have a dark side (everybody has one). You downplay your insecurities in hope that he won't see you as clingy, and you suppress the fact that you occasionally get moody, jealous, or pointlessly angry. As a friend, he will not only be aware of your personal weaknesses, but he will know how to respond to them in a way that is constructive to the relationship and to your desire to improve yourself.

On that same note, you'll be aware of his bad fashion sense, his corny jokes, and his strange fondness for period pieces before you start dating him. Heck, you might even love him all the more for the quirks you would find annoying in anybody else.

2. You're more or less aware of each other's relationship history.

Chances are, you'll feel less self-conscious about the number of guys in your past if your boyfriend already knows about them before deciding to date you. Even better, you'll probably have an inkling of an idea about why his past relationships didn't work out. That way, both of you will have a sense of each other's relationships styles and issues and will be better prepared to deal with potential conflicts.

3. You're comfortable with each other.

It takes a few weeks (if not longer) to feel completely at ease with somebody new. Should you eat ice cream from the container in front of him? Should you reveal that you're a twenty something who still rereads Harry Potter on occasion? When dating someone who started out as a friend, you can skip the neurotic "I need to impress him" phase and go straight to wearing no makeup and nerding out together on Saturdays spent indoors.

4. It's exciting.

Dating a friend might seem less glamorous than falling in love at first sight, but what's more suspenseful than decoding a friend's flirty mixed signals for signs of romantic intentions? If the relationship goes well, you'll be swept away at how a good friend turned out to be an even better boyfriend. Trust us, you'll swear off the random guys you meet during happy hour forever!

5. There's always something to talk about.

We've all dated someone with whom we spent more time getting hot-and-heavy than in actual conversation. The moment of truth inevitably arrives during a long car ride, when you have no choice but to put on the radio because the two of you have no common interests. Aren't you ready for someone who still makes for good company even after the passion starts to plateau? Plus, just imagine the energy that you and a friend-turned-boyfriend will share after months (even years!) of pent-up romantic tension.

Do you agree with this?


My opinion is that in a marriage everything should be out in the light - nothing should be hidden. (John 3:20) If we truly love and respect our spouses this should just be a natural outflow of that love and respect. As a believer, authenticity and transparency should be our lifestyle. (I have been discovering the truth of this, and the necessity of this, more and more this past year and a half.) This mutual transparency should be a high priority in our marriages. 

I believe that authenticity and transparency brings about a vulnerability in marriage that can strengthen the relationship in a very unique and lasting way. 

A marriage is made up of two {imperfect} people. Like it or not we can never be perfect and we did not marry a perfect spouse. Because of this truth we are going to fail and make mistakes again and again. I desire to be a help meet to my husband and in doing so to bring out the best person that he can be. However, if he is not transparent and sharing his weaknesses, his faults, his failures with me then I cannot really come alongside him the way God intended me to be able to do.

 The same is true of myself, if I am not sharing my weaknesses with my husband, he cannot lead me and guide me the way God intended him to. It is a tragedy when couples deny one another the blessing of being able to encourage each other in weaknesses. One benefit of marriage is the encouragement that can come in building one another up. When one spouse is stumbling, the other can reach out and help to hold him or her up. (Proverbs 18:24, James 5:16, Hebrews 10:24, Romans 12:10) 

I am sure that technology and social media are having an affect on many marriages. We do live in a technology, social media driven culture, and as many benefits and blessings as there are to it; it can also come with a price and be a curse. It is easier than ever for husbands and wives to carry on secret, hidden relationships and private lives via this technology. We need to guard against this, and we can by being open and honest about everything.

 There must be complete transparency in our marriages in every area - including social networking and email. My husband knows my passwords (a lot can hide in the dark behind passwords - guard against this) to everything, and he reads my facebook and blog. He has open access to my email and any of my social media outlets - nothing is hidden. The same is true for his accounts. 

This is not because we do not trust each other, but instead because we respect each other and want our lives to be open and bare. I try not to befriend a male on facebook without first running it by Jim, and I just do not send private messages or emails to males. What starts up as something innocent has the potential to snowball into something catastrophic. I would rather just not even touch that. 

Proverbs 18:21 says Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit—you choose. I take this verse very, very seriously. I love words. I love writing, but I must be careful that my words are fruit not poison. I try very hard to never publicly, or even friend-to-friend speak ill of my husband (or children for that matter). 

I believe one day I will be held accountable for my words - this goes for my written and typed words as well. I try not to ever write anything on facebook or my blog that I would not say to Jim's face. Our arguments are private and not for other people to participate in. Something like this could make a great foot-hold for Satan, so I choose to {mostly} make my words sweet and upbeat. 

My biggest piece of advice for transparency in marriage is to be honest about everything, keep nothing hidden (no bank accounts, receipts, spending habits, friendships, passwords, etc. - NOTHING) and to communicate openly and often. Not talking with one another is a big step in the wrong direction. If social media and technology is driving a wedge between you and your spouse and bringing up areas of insecurity and mistrust into your relationship then just get rid of it. They are not worth sacrificing what could be your beautiful, vibrant marriage!

The Importance of Transparency in your Marriage.

'A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.’ –Dalai Lama

What is the meaning of transparency?

It means openness, honesty and clarity. When someone is very sneaky and secretive you do not trust him as everything about him has an aura of mystery. When a person is frank and candid you believe in him. It is more so in married life.

When there are secrets in your life which your spouse does not know, it makes you uncertain and apprehensive about his\her reaction when he\she comes to know about it. When someone else brings it to his\her notice, there is a big show down and it also brings into your marriage distrust and suspicion.

Can’t I have anything personal?

Should I confess everything to him\her?

She\he never understands my problems and so I find it comfortable to hide it from him\her.

He\she is secretive and so I too feel like hiding things from him\her.

Married life is built on trust and honesty and these qualities are as important as love and care. When there is transparency in married life, it brings immense comfort to your interaction with your spouse and your love for each other matures to even deeper love.

What are the things you normally hide from your spouse?

Your past love life?

Your money matters and savings?
Your friendship with the opposite sex?

Your past life is your secret.

You might have a past love and feel uneasy about the reaction of your spouse when he\she knows about it. Will your confession ruin your marriage and bring in suspicion and mistrust into it? Your doubts are very natural and true.

What is the nature of your spouse? Is he\she understanding and a caring person? Do you feel that you are cheating him\her by not confessing your past life with him\her? If you are hundred percent confident of your spouse you can confess about your past and tell him\her that it is over and done with. You feel the burden of guilt lessening and your love for your spouse increases for his\her considerate reaction .

But if your spouse is basically suspicious by nature and over possessive, your confession about your past life might stir up a hornet’s nest. He\she becomes doubtful of your every action and he\she makes your life nightmarish by questioning your whereabouts, checking your mobile phones and also spying on your mild interaction with the opposite sex. It is better to hide your past if you feel your spouse will react in such a negative way and lead your present married life with honesty and transparency.

Money matters are hidden and concealed

Money has become a top marriage destroyer in recent times. Everyone wants money as it is a status symbol. But it is sad that couples vie with each other in hiding money matters. Husband hides his money dealings from his wife and wife hides hers from her husband.

Why this lack of transparency in money matters? The fault lies with both. You do not acknowledge that your spouse is an individual with her\his own personal whims and wishes. Your spouse might want to help her\his family, but when you interfere, she\he does not want to do it with your knowledge and hides it from you and keeps you in the dark.

You must accept that he\she has certain duties to fulfill and should not intrude into it. When you overlook and accept the money dealings of your spouse, he\she does it openly and you need not break your head about where the hard earned money of your spouse is draining away.

Too much of friendship

The world has become so modern that you find it easy to be overly friendly with your colleagues of opposite sex without the knowledge of your spouse. You never know that you are digging the grave for your marriage when you do it.

It is very natural to be friendly with your colleagues when you work together. That is how it should be, but when you become too friendly with your colleague and feel like confiding in him, you are cheating your spouse emotionally. Your friendship should not cross the line and your spouse should know about him\her.

When you talk for long hours in a low tone when at home with your colleague\friend, your spouse naturally feels doubtful. When you get a call from your colleague, talk in a normal tone in the presence of your spouse which makes it a true friendship. When the call is over you can casually inform your spouse what you talked about. This is transparency for you!

‘Life is filigree work. What is written clearly is not worth much, it's the transparency that counts.’- Louis- Ferdinand Celine

When you argue that you have your personal life to lead and your spouse must accept it, you are asking for trouble. You should be frank with your spouse and he\she should also be truthful to you and when your interaction is transparent, it gives your married life the much needed clarity and clearness.