The popular mobile messaging service WhatsApp has extended its users’ reach beyond their smartphones; users will now be able to use WhatsApp on desktop as well. Acquired by the social media giant Facebook less than a year ago, WhatsApp has launched a web client version that will allow users to simultaneously send and receive messages from their smartphones and a desktop computer. However, the only browser it will work on, for now, is Google Chrome.
Another big news is that WhatsApp users who have installed it in iOS based devices (iPhones) will be left out because of iOS “platform restriction”.
This mobile messaging app is primarily based on phone numbers. The web client has been set up to function as an extension of users’ phone based accounts. With this newly introduced feature of WhatsApp, users will be able to switch between their mobile devices and desktops for messaging through WhatsApp any time based on their convenience.
To connect the web browser to the app, users will just need to open in Google Chrome; it will provide them a QR code. They will be able to access their respective WhatsApp accounts on desktop as soon as the code is scanned.
You need to make sure that your phone is connected to the Internet, otherwise the web client wouldn’t work. In order to pair mobile devices with desktops for using WhatsApp, users are advised to install the latest version of the app.
WhatsApp is said to have about 500 million subscribers; this small addition might make the app even more popular globally.
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