If you don't do this yourself FRIEND, I bet you know a friend who does.
But let's not get too blamey. Anyone can mistakenly get together with a 'psycho'. Early on, they may be all charm and attentiveness (and you may be conveniently averting your eyes from early telltale signs - such as 24-hour surveillance on your house).
So you can't always blame yourself for getting mixed up with the psycho, but feel free to blame yourself for:
* Staying with a psycho once the signs become obvious.
* Deliberately going for someone with 'dysfunctional features' that match characteristics of someone with whom you had a past destructive relationship and then later wondering where it all went wrong
Of the two points just covered, the first one is more forgivable (since I'm in a refreshingly judgemental mood), because it can feel harder to break free once you're in. But the second one?
What to do: If you're chronically pursuing mates (to use the National Geographic term) who are obviously flawed to the extent that relationships will be painful and doomed, then at least admit this to yourself and don't be surprised that 'relationships always go wrong'. Knowing your patterns is the first step to changing them.
Don't feel too bad if you do this, it's such a common mistake
And if it's a friend who does this, why not forward them the link?
To your relationship bliss,
#Mark Tyrell #Mikolinton cares
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